Entries by proctor4ky

Bills proposed for certificate of need in 2024 legislative session

Last week, I filed three bills concerning the Certificate of Need process. House Bills 202, 203, and 204 reenvision the Certificate of Need application procedure, and move the state toward a robust and vibrant healthcare model accessible to all Kentuckians. This week, I wanted to provide summaries of these legislative proposals. In addition, you can […]

Meet Rep. Marianne Proctor

Rep. Marianne Proctor has followed politics for quite a while. But it was government response to COVID-19 that she says showed her just how much politics can impact individual lives.

Certificate of need laws create medical monopolies and hurt Kentucky’s most vulnerable.

Louisville entrepreneur Dipendra Tiwari saw a problem and responded in 2018. Nepali-speaking refugees needed nursing care and other services in their native language, so he and a business partner decided to fill the void.

Their solution was Grace Home Care, a home health agency focused on the Nepali-speaking community. Yet before Tiwari and his partner could open, they found themselves caught in a policy debate that Kentucky lawmakers have slow-walked for more than 40 years.

Why I’m running for House District 60

Sick of proposed gas taxes to further increase our pain at the pump? Sick of 15-year politicians who find it easier to create new taxes rather than to trim the bloated budget? Sick of politicians who have become more interested in lobbyists and special interest groups than in people like you and me who voted them in?