
Boone County is home to Marianne Proctor.  She has served her community as a Precinct Chair with the Boone County Republican Party and is an active participant in the Northern Kentucky Tea Party.  She is honored to have coached female athletes through Girls on the Run, led groups of women in Bible Study  Fellowship, volunteered at the Ark conferences, is active in her church and mentored young women. 

As your Representative in the Kentucky House, she has served on the Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection, Local Government, and Families & Children committees.  She has sponsored more than 20 bills and wrote the House concurrent resolution to establish a Certificate of Need Task Force. 


Marianne is the Republican State Representative for southern Boone County (district 60).  She lives in Union with her husband of 27 years, Gregg, and their beloved dog, Reagan.  Marianne loves Jesus, is a licensed Speech-Language Pathologist, and is active in her Northern Kentucky community, volunteering for many local charities and events.

As a constitutional conservative, Marianne is dedicated to preserving the rights established for us in the United States Constitution.  The deterioration of those rights in recent years compelled her to run for Kentucky State Representative.

Candidate Statement 

During the COVID lockdowns, two weeks to flatten the curve became two years of unconstitutional government overreach and tyranny.  Virtual school revealed the flaws in our education system, including divisive race and gender identity theories and radical diversity/equity/inclusion policies.  Parents who demanded better for their children were labeled domestic terrorists.  Election laws were altered without a vote of the people or their elected legislative body.  Medical choice and bodily autonomy with regard to masks and vaccine mandates were disregarded and also exposed weaknesses in our monopolistic healthcare system.  Many businesses were ordered to shut their doors and too many have never reopened.  On top of the  financial crisis created by the lockdowns, Frankfort’s tax and spending policies exacerbate an increasingly fragile economy from which our ability to recover is diminishing. We have reached critical mass.  The madness of big government must be stopped.  We the People must be heard in Frankfort, starting here in Boone County.  It is a privilege to be your voice in the Capitol.  I would be honored to receive your vote for re-election on November 5, 2024.